Uses the healing power of music and sound to create body awareness, insight, and relaxation. Based in the science of quantum physics and the power of vibration, sound/music therapy treats the brain and body at the cellular level.
How does Sound therapy work?
Scientists have been studying the impacts of sound therapy and their research has revealed that the human body is a vibrational frequency entity. Each cell in our body resonates and puts out and accepts sound frequencies. When we are ill, our cells are out of sync. Sound therapy has the ability identify these out of tune frequencies and when these sounds, or frequencies, are introduced back into your body, your brain then has the ability to send these “in tune”, or corrected frequencies to the damaged cells helping facilitate healing.
Benefits of Sound Therapy
In terms of physical well-being, sound and music therapy can help with the following:
- Higher levels of energy
- Sense of balance & direction improved
- Fewer headaches
- Lessening of sensitivity to particular sounds
- Relief from chronic tiredness
- Relieve the sensation of shortness of breath or tightness in the chest
Emotional benefits include:
- Relief from anxiety
- More confidence
- Less frustration
- Improved ability to relax
- Improvement in overall “mood”
- Improved patience
- Better ability to communicate and interact with others
- Improved ability to express emotions
Mental benefits include:
- Brain “fog” dissipates
- More motivated in life
- Improved ability to listen to new ideas with an open mind
- Better organization skills
- Improvement in attention span
- Less likely to become irritable